Write for Us

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Clean Homez! 

At Clean Homez, we believe in quality, in-depth, and original content that delivers an exceptional user experience to the readers. So if we both collaborate on producing content, it must be one-of-its-kind. 

Here is the list of topics and submission guidelines that you must adhere to while contributing a guest post/content on Clean Homez.

Topic Suggestions

Clean Homez is about household cleaning and maintenance. So your specific topic should revolve around these two broad topics. Some of the topics that you can write about are:

  • How-to guides/listicles related to house cleaning, maintenance, etc. 
  • Tips/tricks/hacks related to house cleaning, maintenance, etc.
  • Expert roundups/case studies/user-generated content/research & surveys related to home cleaning, maintenance, etc.
  • Technological advancement in the field of house cleaning, maintenance, etc.

This is a suggested list of topics. If you have something in your mind, we are all ears!

Submission Guidelines

  • The write-up must be unique and original. It should not have been published before.
  • Clean Homez will be the owner of the write-up published on the website. Clean Homez reserve the right to edit the write-up as deemed necessary.
  • An author’s bio is mandatory, complete in all aspects – short intro, headshot, etc. You can insert a link (a no-follow link) to your website, blog, LinkedIn profile, etc in the author bio section. However, we will not approve a link to a landing page that promotes products/services.
  • The write-up should be at least 1000+ words. Please don’t write just for the sake of words. Instead, it should be complete and valuable. Also, it should be free of grammatical/syntax/spelling errors.
  • Use media files to make it appealing and interactive – images, videos, infographics, tables, charts, screenshots, etc. Ensure media files are in high definition (HD). Give due credits to the owner, if sourcing media files from another source than yours.
  • Link to research/studies/stats to verify your facts/claims mentioned in the write-up. 
  • We prefer first-person or second-person point-of-view.
  • Proper format is mandatory – introduction & conclusion, use of headings and subheadings, table of content, bullet points, short paragraphs, internal and external links, keywords (primary, secondary, and LSI), etc.

You must follow submission guidelines or else your post/article may face rejection.

Before you start working on the write-up, please share a list of topics, your website link, and links to published work.

Reach out to Clean Homez by either submitting the contact form or sending an email to hello@cleanhomez.com.

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